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Guitar World magazine - Platinum Award
Tested By Paul Riario
Having the HA-59 PAF Set in your hands feels much like holding an authentic PAF yanked from a vintage Gibson. Shed has taken a meticulous approach to constructing and handwinding these PAFs to look and sound like the real thing.
This pair of HA-59s turned my ’59 from dull to dynamic, and it’s staggering how these pickups combine all the broken-in “honk” of a vintage PAF along with the biting
clarity of a Fifties Telecaster with teeth. Between all three positions, the response is smoothly balanced, but the cherry on top is how each pickup shines with noteworthy character. Sandwiched between its clear highs, quacky mids and warm lows, the bridge humbucker chimes with detailed depth and a heightened output that slices through. In other words, the HA-59s don’t sizzle but rather, sing with fervent sweetness. The neck humbucker is one of the most expressive pickups I’ve ever played
There is nothing quite like Shed Pickups’ HA-59 PAF Set, which overdelivers as an exceptional pair of full-sounding, harmonically rich humbuckers that achieve hallowed vintage PAF tones with remarkable warmth and clarity.

Guitar Player Magazine - Editors' Pick Award
Tested By Dave Hunter
In short, the Shed HA-59 revealed an abundance of the qualities that made the seminal humbucker so popular in the first place.
Regardless of their ability to reproduce the hallowed “PAF magic,” the HA-59s are rich, well-balanced and harmonically sweet-sounding pickups. They pack the punching power that players have long turned to fullsize, Gibson-stylehumbuckers to achieve, yet with excellent clarity and articulation, too.
they delivered the kind of sparkling clarity that leads to Tele-on-steroids comparisons for good PAFs, without the mud or sludge that too often bogs down lesser humbuckers.
They’re an aspiring pair of pickups, and worthy of an Editors’ Pick Award